Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Black and White and Red All Over...My Lips

I didn't have my in-house photographer today so I made due with my point-and-shoot and table-top tripod. Fortunately, I nailed it in the first two shots! Ha ha ha! Not really. I deleted about the first twenty for various reasons.

I've realized I need more colorful clothes. I really tried to find something today but had to rely on lipstick. Does that count?

Belt-(FIDM Scholarship Store)
Necklaces-(vintage. FIDM SS)
Sandals-(that's the other problem)


  1. Yes it counts! Many, many days I let my lips do the color-talking. I love your black-and-white outfit.

    Patti @ NotDeadYet Style

  2. I don't know if it counts but you do look wonderful.

  3. I wish lipstick showed up on me like yours does on you. You look great in black and white.


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